Sunday, March 9, 2008

Colorado Part I

Hello everyone!

I hope March has started out smoovly for you. Is it my imagination or are the buds on the trees looking more prominent? (CG, whom SH and I joined yesterday to see the Minnesota Roller Girls, said it was just my imagination!)

Shout outs to pan flute player PG, upon her acceptance to the U of MN for her doctorate!

R and I have returned from our Colorado vacation, obviously. It was a great time! We left last Saturday, the 1st.

Highlights of I35 and I80 in MN and IA:
* Tons of windmills
* Brick silos

It turns out Saturday was the warmest day of our trip. As we entered Nebraska I started sweating to death; it was 65 degrees outside! We enjoyed some Subway out on the grass.

Nebraska features:
* Beauty
* Thousands of cranes, both in the air and in the fields.

Colorado features:
* It was dark, we couldn't observe any beauty. Somehow we got to 5,000 feet above sea level, however.


It was great to see KH and finally meet her hubby, JH! (In front of the Coors factory!)

JH has a fancy camera!

The warm weather abated and it snowed on Sunday. KH, R and I went shopping. Here we are in front of the mall.

Then we drove to the hills.
(The sign in the background warned us there were cougars in the area!)

The four of us played trivia at a local restaurant in Golden. Our team was in third place for a while! R and JH knew things like presidential history, world capitals and the Federal Reserve Bank. KH and I knew things like the Romantic period in music, and what song was from "Les Miserables". We didn't win though.

R and I took a nature walk in the hills.

We spotted the western bunny!
(Actually I think it is an Eastern Cottontail.)

If you touch a cactus it might poke you. You heard it here first!

Also, these yucca plants were really spiky.

We searched for goats, thwarted perhaps by the adjacent State Trooper school, where drivers appeared to be whipping shitties while driving in reverse.
co state trooper


Could it be...a sign of the wild goater?!

After that high altitude hike, we needed to rest with K and J's doggies!
R and Roo D.

Keku and I!

The cuteness of Keku is better exhibited in this picture:

We took a tour of the Coors factory:

Thankfully, goats were represented in Coors advertising:


Before R and I left Golden, we decided to drive up the mountain to see Buffalo Bill's grave.


It was certainly a scenic and quiet resting place; except for the howling winds that day!


The crazy thing was that the road up the mountain was super steep, with tons of sharp corners (duh) and cyclists were winding their way up alongside our car! And zooming down, as well. As beautiful as the mountains were, I am a little scared of driving up there. It seems the possibility of a violent death is much higher!

Here is another photo of Golden. It is weird to consider that these mountains and buttes used to be at the bottom of the ocean!


Stay tuned for stories from the rest of our trip!



Big W said...

I think the critter R looks cute in the pictures. :)

Poundpapi said...


Those were Maven's and my stomping grounds many years ago! Was that mall the one with all the great outlet shoppes inside? If so, I did some serious damage in that place- Nieman Marcus? Been there. Kenneth Cole? Did that.

Last, if you had been maybe 20 years older, you could have been the 'cougar' in the warning sign! YAY!

Wendell said...


Yes, there were tons of outlets in there! I only got a swimsuit (slimsuit) from the Eddie Bauer outlet, but wanted to go to the Banana Republic one. We were scarrred to go into the Neiman Marcus!


Miss Non-Sequitur said...

I love the picture of you with the wind blowing your hair. FUN. That mountain behind the city was so flat, was that natural?

Senor R said...

Very Cool! Hi to R!